For those of us, who probably is just getting to hear about truffles for the first time and maybe wondering,
“What exactly are ‘white or black truffles’?”
In a simple description, White and Black truffles are subterranean fungus (Funghi) that grows in the shadow of oak trees. Although not commonly found, truffles are ranked amongst one of the most expensive fruits in the world.
There are over seven species of truffles found around the world among which includes the black and white truffles.
Amongst a few other things, truffles are also known for their unique aroma, taste and how they both combine beautifully to create a mind-blowing culinary sensation to the body.
That being said, let us move on the real reason why you are reading this right now.

“Big differences between black and white truffles”
Although of the same species, the white and black truffles are known for having some qualities unique to their selves.
Firstly, we start with the aroma.
Although truffles are generally known for their unique aroma, the white truffles tend to have a much stronger aroma while the black truffle comes with a bit softer scent.
Discover More: What is the Black Truffle?
Aside from the intensity of the smell
The intensity of the smell has also been observed that the scent white truffles tend to fade off much faster, unlike the scent of the black truffles, which although milder tends to last longer
Next is their taste.
If you have ever tasted truffles before, you definitely must have observed the difference in the taste of the white truffles and black. Although, the taste of truffles is generally difficult to explain. While some people say that truffles taste nutty or chocolaty, some people even say that truffles have a taste of everything. Some others say it taste like a mixture of sweet and sour.
But if you observe carefully, the white truffles seem to possess a more mild taste while the black truffles, on the other hand, tends to come off with a much more intense taste. Therefore causing a much more intense sensation on the tongue.
Discover More: What is the White Truffle?
Differences between Truffle Price:
Thirdly and most obvious, we all know that the white truffles also are more expensive than the black ones.
While the black truffles, which are more common, cost about $95 per ounce. The white truffles, on the other hand, cost about $168 per ounce.
Another significant difference between these two truffles is their source, which is where they can be found.
While the black truffles can be easily found in France, the white and rarer truffle grows majorly in Italy (Piedmont region) and sometimes can also be found in some parts of Croatia.
Also, even though the black and white truffles are of the same species, they are not harvested at the same time. While the Black truffles are harvested from the period of December to February, the white truffles, on the other hand, are harvested within the season of November to December.
So there you have it, price, aroma, taste, seasons, these are some of the difference between the black and white truffles.
But now, let’s discover How To Make Truffle Oil.