Dear visitors,
Welcome to our section on Google’s privacy and terms. In this section, we discuss our practices in relation to the use of Google Ad Manager / AdSense services and third-party ad technology providers (ATPs).
When we use Google Ad Manager / AdSense services to serve and measure ads on our site, we rely on certain third-party ad technology providers (certified by Google) to perform these functions. By default, we select the most commonly used ATPs, currently 194, to serve and measure ads on our site.
In accordance with the requirements of Google’s EU user consent policy, it is our duty to inform you of these third parties with whom we work. This is done in respect of your privacy rights and to ensure transparency in our operations.
In this section, you will find more details on how and why we use these technologies, how they affect your browsing experience, and how you can exercise your rights in relation to these practices. We encourage you to read this information carefully and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting your data and making you feel secure during your visit to our site.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards, Our website team
Ad Technology Providers in relation to the LGPD As part of Google’s commitment to ensure compliance with the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), we provide the following list of ad technology providers. These providers have shared specific information required by the LGPD, provided a link explaining how they use data, and have committed to complying with our data usage policies. This information can be shared with users during the consent acquisition process.
The list of ad technology providers can be consulted within your Ad Manager, AdSense, or AdMob account. For ease of reference, the certified providers are also indicated below.